Publications (grouped by year):
Before 2022
Stable, Consistent and High-Quality Text-to-Texture Generation.
The AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI).
 Paper   BibTex @inproceedings{lu2025stable, author = {Jiawei Lu and Yingpang Zhang and Zengjun Zhao and He Wang and Kun Zhou and Tianjia Shao}, title = {Stable, Consistent and High-Quality Text-to-Texture Generation}, booktitle = {The AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI)}, year = {2025} }
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Effects of Momentum in Implicit Bias of Gradient Flow for Diagonal Linear Networks.
The AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI).
BibTex @inproceedings{lyu2025effects, author = {Bochen Lyu and He Wang and Zheng Wang and Zhanxing Zhu}, title = {Effects of Momentum in Implicit Bias of Gradient Flow for Diagonal Linear Networks}, booktitle = {The AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI)}, year = {2025} }
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TASAR: Transfer-based Attack on Skeletal Action Recognition.
The International Conference on Learning Representations (ICLR).
 Project Page    Paper    Code   BibTex @inproceedings{diao2025tasar, author = {Yunfeng Diao and Baiqi Wu and Ruixuan Zhang and Ajian Liu and Xingxing Wei and Meng Wang and He Wang}, title = {TASAR: Transfer-based Attack on Skeletal Action Recognition}, booktitle = {The International Conference on Learning Representations (ICLR)}, year = {2025} }
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Cloth Animation with Time-dependent Persistent Wrinkles.
Computer Graphics Forum (CGF).
(Accepted in Eurographics 2025)
 Paper    Code    Video   BibTex @article{gong2025cloth, author = {Deshan Gong and Yin Yang and Tianjia Shao and He Wang}, title = {Cloth Animation with Time-dependent Persistent Wrinkles}, journal = {Computer Graphics Forum (CGF)}, year = {2025} }
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Bayesian Differentiable Physics for Cloth Digitalization.
The IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR).
 Project Page    Paper    Video    Code   BibTex @inproceedings{gong2024bayesian, author = {Deshan Gong and Ningtao Mao and He Wang}, title = {Bayesian Differentiable Physics for Cloth Digitalization}, booktitle = {The IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR)}, year = {2024} }
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Human Motion Prediction under Unexpected Perturbation.
The IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR).
(Highlight Paper, ~2.8% acceptance rate)
 Project Page    Paper    Video    Code   BibTex @inproceedings{yue2024human, author = {Jiangbei Yue and Baiyi Li and Julien Pettre and Armin Seyfried and He Wang}, title = {Human Motion Prediction under Unexpected Perturbation}, booktitle = {The IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR)}, year = {2024} }
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Investigating Guiding Information for Adaptive Collocation Point Sampling in PINNs.
The International Conference on Computational Science (ICCS).
 Paper   BibTex @inproceedings{florido2020investigating, author = {Jose Florido and He Wang and Amirul Khan and Peter K Jimack}, title = {Investigating Guiding Information for Adaptive Collocation Point Sampling in PINNs}, booktitle = {The International Conference on Computational Science (ICCS)}, year = {2024} }
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Generative modeling of Sparse Approximate Inverse Preconditioners.
The International Conference on Computational Science (ICCS).
 Paper   BibTex @inproceedings{li2024generative, author = {Mou Li and He Wang and Peter K Jimack}, title = {Generative modeling of Sparse Approximate Inverse Preconditioners}, booktitle = {The International Conference on Computational Science (ICCS)}, year = {2024} }
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Decoupling Contact for Fine-Grained Motion Style Transfer.
 Paper    Video   BibTex @inproceedings{tang2024decoupling, author = {Xiangjun Tang and Linjun Wu and He Wang and Yiqian Wu and Bo Hu and Songnan Li and Xu Gong and Yuchen Liao and Qilong Kou and Xiaogang Jin}, title = {Decoupling Contact for Fine-Grained Motion Style Transfer}, booktitle = {ACM SIGGRAPH Asia}, year = {2024} }
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RoMo: A Robust Solver for Full-body Unlabeled Optical Motion Capture.
 Paper    Video   BibTex @inproceedings{pan2024romo, author = {Xiaoyu Pan and Bowen Zheng and Xinwei Jiang and Zijiao Zeng and Qilong Kou and He Wang and Xiaogang Jin}, title = {RoMo: A Robust Solver for Full-body Unlabeled Optical Motion Capture}, booktitle = {ACM SIGGRAPH Asia}, year = {2024} }
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Getting stuck in a rut as an emergent feature of a dynamic decision-making system.
Royal Society Open Science.
 Paper   BibTex @article{warburton2024getting, author = {Matthew Warburton and Jack Brookes and Mohamed Hasan and Matteo Leonetti and Mehmet Dogar and He Wang and Anthony G Cohn and Faisal Mushtaq and Mark A Mon-Williams}, title = {Getting stuck in a rut as an emergent feature of a dynamic decision-making system}, journal = {Royal Society Open Science}, year = {2024} }
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Developing a cost-effective emulator for groundwater flow modeling using deep neural operators.
Journal of Hydrology.
 Paper   BibTex @article{taccari2024developing, author = {Maria Luisa Taccari and He Wang and Somdatta Goswami and Jonathan Nuttall and Xiaohui Chen and Peter K Jimack}, title = {Developing a cost-effective emulator for groundwater flow modeling using deep neural operators}, journal = {Journal of Hydrology}, pages = {130551}, year = {2024} }
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Loss-Attentional Physics-Informed Neural Networks.
Journal of Computational Physics.
 Paper   BibTex @article{song2024loss, author = {Yanjie Song and He Wang and He Yang and Maria Luisa Taccari and Xiaohui Chen}, title = {Loss-Attentional Physics-Informed Neural Networks}, journal = {Journal of Computational Physics}, pages = {112781}, year = {2024} }
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The Potential Health Benefits of Urban Tree Planting Suggested through Immersive Environments.
 Paper   BibTex @article{hassall2024potential, author = {Christopher Hassall and Michael Nisbet and Ewan Norcliffe and He Wang}, title = {The Potential Health Benefits of Urban Tree Planting Suggested through Immersive Environments}, journal = {Land}, year = {2024} }
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Real-time Collision Detection between General SDFs.
Computer Aided Geometric Design.
(Best Paper Award in International Conference on Geometric Modeling and Processing 2024)
 Paper   BibTex @article{liu2024real, author = {Pengfei Liu and Yuqing Zhang and He Wang and Milo K Yip and Elvis S Liu and Xiaogang Jin}, title = {Real-time Collision Detection between General SDFs}, journal = {Computer Aided Geometric Design}, pages = {102305}, year = {2024} }
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Understanding the Vulnerability of Skeleton-based Human Activity Recognition via Black-box Attack.
Pattern Recognition.
 Project Page    Paper   BibTex @article{diao2022understanding, author = {Yunfeng Diao* and He Wang* and Tianjia Shao and Yongliang Yang and Kun Zhou and David Hogg and Meng Wang}, title = {Understanding the Vulnerability of Skeleton-based Human Activity Recognition via Black-box Attack}, journal = {Pattern Recognition}, pages = {110564}, year = {2024} }
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f-PICNN: A Physics-informed Convolutional Neural Network for Partial Differential Equations with Space-Time Domain.
Journal of Computational Physics.
 Paper   BibTex @article{yuan2024fpicnn, author = {Biao Yuan and He Wang and Ana Heitor and Xiaohui Chen}, title = {f-PICNN: A Physics-informed Convolutional Neural Network for Partial Differential Equations with Space-Time Domain}, journal = {Journal of Computational Physics}, pages = {113284}, year = {2024} }
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Learning to sculpt neural cityscapes.
The Visual Computer.
 Paper   BibTex @article{zhu2024learning, author = {Jialin Zhu and He Wang and David Hogg and Tom Kelly}, title = {Learning to sculpt neural cityscapes}, journal = {The Visual Computer}, year = {2024} }
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Relightable Detailed Human Reconstruction from Sparse Flashlight Images.
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics (TVCG).
 Paper   BibTex @article{lu2024relightable, author = {Jiawei Lu and Tianjia Shao and He Wang and Yong-Liang Yang and Yin Yang and Kun Zhou}, title = {Relightable Detailed Human Reconstruction from Sparse Flashlight Images}, journal = {IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics (TVCG)}, year = {2024} }
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Spatial-temporal graph neural networks for groundwater data.
Scientific Reports.
 Paper   BibTex @article{taccari2024spatial, author = {Maria Luisa Taccari and He Wang and Jonathan Nuttall and Xiaohui Chen and Peter K Jimack}, title = {Spatial-temporal graph neural networks for groundwater data}, journal = {Scientific Reports}, pages = {24564}, year = {2024} }
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Post-train Black-box Defense via Bayesian Boundary Correction.
 Project Page    Paper   BibTex @misc{wang2023defending, author = {He Wang and Yunfeng Diao}, title = {Post-train Black-box Defense via Bayesian Boundary Correction}, series = {arxiv}, year = {2024} }
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Physics-informed Deep Learning to Solve Three-dimensional Terzaghi Consolidation Equation: Forward and Inverse Problems.
 Paper   BibTex @misc{yuan2024physics, author = {Biao Yuan and Ana Heitor and He Wang and Xiaohui Chen}, title = {Physics-informed Deep Learning to Solve Three-dimensional Terzaghi Consolidation Equation: Forward and Inverse Problems}, series = {axiv}, year = {2024} }
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PIP-Net: Pedestrian Intention Prediction in the Wild.
 Paper   BibTex @misc{azarmi2024pip, author = {Mohsen Azarmi and Mahdi Rezaei and He Wang and Sebastien Glaser}, title = {PIP-Net: Pedestrian Intention Prediction in the Wild}, series = {arxiv}, year = {2024} }
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Feature Importance in Pedestrian Intention Prediction: A Context-Aware Review.
 Paper   BibTex @misc{azarmi2024feature, author = {Mohsen Azarmi and Mahdi Rezaei and He Wang and Ali Arabian}, title = {Feature Importance in Pedestrian Intention Prediction: A Context-Aware Review}, series = {arxiv}, year = {2024} }
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Moderating the Generalization of Score-based Generative Model.
 Paper   BibTex @misc{jiang2024moderating, author = {Wang Jiang and He Wang and Xin Zhang and Dan Guo and Zhaoxin Fan and Yunfeng Diao and Richang Hong}, title = {Moderating the Generalization of Score-based Generative Model}, series = {arxiv}, year = {2024} }
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Two-Person Interaction Augmentation with Skeleton Priors.
The IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR) Workshops.
 Paper    Code    Video   BibTex @inproceedings{li2024two, author = {Baiyi Li and Edmond Ho and Hubert Shum and He Wang}, title = {Two-Person Interaction Augmentation with Skeleton Priors}, booktitle = {The IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR) Workshops}, year = {2024} }
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Unlearnable Examples Give a False Sense of Security: Piercing through Unexploitable Data with Learnable Examples.
ACM Multimedia (ACM MM).
 Paper    Code   BibTex @inproceedings{jiang2023unlearnable, author = {Wan Jiang and Yunfeng Diao and He Wang and Jianxin Sun and Meng Wang and Richang Hong}, title = {Unlearnable Examples Give a False Sense of Security: Piercing through Unexploitable Data with Learnable Examples}, booktitle = {ACM Multimedia (ACM MM)}, year = {2023} }
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RSMT: Real-time Stylized Motion Transition for Characters.
 Paper    Video    Code   BibTex @inproceedings{tang2023rsmt, author = {Xiangjun Tang and Linjun Wu and He Wang and Bo Hu and Xu Gong and Yuchen Liao and Songnan Li and Qilong Kou and Xiaogang Jin}, title = {RSMT: Real-time Stylized Motion Transition for Characters}, booktitle = {ACM SIGGRAPH}, pages = {1-10}, year = {2023} }
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Adaptive Local Basis Functions for Shape Completion.
 Paper    Code   BibTex @inproceedings{ying2023adaptive, author = {Hui Ying and Tianjia Shao and He Wang and Yin Yang and Kun Zhou}, title = {Adaptive Local Basis Functions for Shape Completion}, booktitle = {ACM SIGGRAPH}, pages = {1--11}, year = {2023} }
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Hard No-Box Adversarial Attack on Skeleton-Based Human Action Recognition with Skeleton-Motion-Informed Gradient.
The Internaitional Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV).
 Project Page    Paper    Supplement    Video    Code   BibTex @inproceedings{lu2023hard, author = {Zhengzhi Lu and He Wang and Ziyi Chang and Guoan Yang and Hubert PH Shum}, title = {Hard No-Box Adversarial Attack on Skeleton-Based Human Action Recognition with Skeleton-Motion-Informed Gradient}, booktitle = {The Internaitional Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV)}, year = {2023} }
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Defending Black-box Skeleton-based Human Activity Classifiers.
The AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI).
 Project Page    Paper    Video    Code   BibTex @inproceedings{wang2023defending_1, author = {He Wang and Yunfeng Diao and Zichang Tan and Guodong Guo}, title = {Defending Black-box Skeleton-based Human Activity Classifiers}, booktitle = {The AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI)}, year = {2023} }
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A Locality-based Neural Solver for Optical Motion Capture.
 Paper    Code    Video   BibTex @inproceedings{pan2023locality, author = {Xiaoyu Pan and Bowen Zheng and Xinwei Jiang and Guanglong Xu and Xianli Gu and Jiangxiang Li and Qilong Kou and He Wang and Tianjia Shao and Kun Zhou and Xiaogang Jin}, title = {A Locality-based Neural Solver for Optical Motion Capture}, booktitle = {ACM SIGGRAPH Asia}, year = {2023} }
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MNSS: Neural Supersampling Framework for Real-Time Rendering on Mobile Devices.
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics (TVCG).
 Paper   BibTex @article{yang2023mnss, author = {Sipeng Yang and Yunlu Zhao and Yuzhe Luo and He Wang and Hongyu Sun and Chen Li and Binghuang Cai and Xiaogang Jin}, title = {MNSS: Neural Supersampling Framework for Real-Time Rendering on Mobile Devices}, journal = {IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics (TVCG)}, pages = {1-14}, year = {2023} }
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Bayesian-based Classification Confidence Estimation for Enhancing SSVEP Detection.
IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement (IEEE TIM).
 Paper   BibTex @article{zhang2023bayesian, author = {Yue Zhang and Sheng Quan Xie and He Wang and Chaoyang Shi and Zhiqiang Zhang}, title = {Bayesian-based Classification Confidence Estimation for Enhancing SSVEP Detection}, journal = {IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement (IEEE TIM)}, pages = {1-12}, year = {2023} }
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Point2PartVolume: Human Body Volume Estimation from A Single Depth Image.
IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement (IEEE TIM).
 Paper   BibTex @article{hu2023point2partvolume, author = {Pengpeng Hu and Xinxin Dai and Ran Zhao and He Wang and Yingliang Ma and Adrian Munteanu}, title = {Point2PartVolume: Human Body Volume Estimation from A Single Depth Image}, journal = {IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement (IEEE TIM)}, pages = {1-12}, year = {2023} }
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Model-based Crowd Behaviours in Human-solution Space.
Computer Graphics Forum (CGF).
 Paper   BibTex @article{xiang2023model, author = {Wei Xiang and He Wang and Yuqing Zhang and Milo K Yip and Xiaogang Jin}, title = {Model-based Crowd Behaviours in Human-solution Space}, journal = {Computer Graphics Forum (CGF)}, pages = {e14919}, year = {2023} }
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Reconstructing 3D Human Pose from RGB-D Data with Occlusions.
Computer Graphics Forum (CGF).
(Accepted in Pacific Graphics (PG) 2023)
 Paper    Code   BibTex @article{dang2023reconstructing, author = {Bowen Dang and Xi Zhao and Bowen Zhang and He Wang}, title = {Reconstructing 3D Human Pose from RGB-D Data with Occlusions}, journal = {Computer Graphics Forum (CGF)}, year = {2023} }
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Unsupervised image translation with distributional semantics awareness.
Computational Visual Media.
 Paper   BibTex @article{peng2023unsupervised, author = {Zhexi Peng and He Wang and Yanlin Weng and Yin Yang and Tianjia Shao}, title = {Unsupervised image translation with distributional semantics awareness}, journal = {Computational Visual Media}, year = {2023} }
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Identifying and characterising trapped lee waves using deep learning techniques.
Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society.
 Paper   BibTex @article{coney2023identifying, author = {Jonathan Coney and Leif Denby and Andrew N. Ross and He Wang and Simon Vosper and Annelize van Niekerk and Tom Dunstan and Neil Hindley}, title = {Identifying and characterising trapped lee waves using deep learning techniques}, journal = {Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society}, year = {2023} }
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Human Trajectory Forecasting with Explainable Behavioral Uncertainty.
 Project Page    Paper   BibTex @misc{yue2023human, author = {Jiangbei Yue and Dinesh Manocha and He Wang}, title = {Human Trajectory Forecasting with Explainable Behavioral Uncertainty}, series = {arxiv}, year = {2023} }
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Rapid Prediction of Lipid Interaction Sites on Pleckstrin Homology Domains Using Deep Graph Neural Networks and Molecular Dynamics Simulations.
 Paper   BibTex @misc{le2023rapid, author = {Kyle IP Le Huray and Frank Sobott and He Wang and Antreas C Kalli}, title = {Rapid Prediction of Lipid Interaction Sites on Pleckstrin Homology Domains Using Deep Graph Neural Networks and Molecular Dynamics Simulations}, series = {bioRxiv}, pages = {2023-12}, year = {2023} }
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Understanding the Efficacy of U-Net & Vision Transformer for Groundwater Numerical Modelling.
The International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML).
(The Synergy of Scientific and Machine Learning Modeling Workshop)
 Paper    Video   BibTex @inproceedings{taccari2023understanding, author = {Maria Luisa Taccari and Oded Ovadia and He Wang and Adar Kahana and Xiaohui Chen and Peter K Jimack}, title = {Understanding the Efficacy of U-Net & Vision Transformer for Groundwater Numerical Modelling}, booktitle = {The International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML)}, year = {2023} }
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Fine-grained differentiable physics: a yarn-level model for fabrics.
The International Conference on Learning Representations (ICLR).
 Project Page    Paper    Code    Video    Presentation    Poster   BibTex @inproceedings{gong2022fine, author = {Deshan Gong and Zhanxing Zhu and Andrew J Bulpitt and He Wang}, title = {Fine-grained differentiable physics: a yarn-level model for fabrics}, booktitle = {The International Conference on Learning Representations (ICLR)}, year = {2022} }
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Pose Guided Image Generation from Misaligned Sources via Residual Flow Based Correction.
The AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI).
 Paper   BibTex @inproceedings{lu2022pose, author = {Jiawei Lu and He Wang and Tianjia Shao and Yin Yang and Kun Zhou}, title = {Pose Guided Image Generation from Misaligned Sources via Residual Flow Based Correction}, booktitle = {The AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI)}, year = {2022} }
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iPLAN: interactive and procedural layout planning.
The IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR).
 Project Page    Paper    Code   BibTex @inproceedings{he2022iplan, author = {Feixiang He and Yanlong Huang and He Wang}, title = {iPLAN: interactive and procedural layout planning}, booktitle = {The IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR)}, year = {2022} }
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Crowd Simulation with Detailed Body Motion and Interaction.
Computer Graphics International (CGI).
 Paper    Video   BibTex @inproceedings{yao2022crowd, author = {Xinran Yao and Shuning Wang and Wenxin Sun and He Wang and Yangjun Wang and Xiaogang Jin}, title = {Crowd Simulation with Detailed Body Motion and Interaction}, booktitle = {Computer Graphics International (CGI)}, pages = {227--238}, year = {2022} }
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Talking Head from Speech Audio using a Pre-trained Image Generator.
ACM Multimedia (ACM MM).
 Project Page    Paper    Code    Poster   BibTex @inproceedings{alghamdi2022talking, author = {Mohammed M Alghamdi and He Wang and Andrew J Bulpitt and David C Hogg}, title = {Talking Head from Speech Audio using a Pre-trained Image Generator}, booktitle = {ACM Multimedia (ACM MM)}, pages = {5228--5236}, year = {2022} }
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Shape Completion with Points in the Shadow.
 Paper    Video   BibTex @inproceedings{zhang2022shape, author = {Bowen Zhang and Xi Zhao and He Wang and Ruizhen Hu}, title = {Shape Completion with Points in the Shadow}, booktitle = {ACM SIGGRAPH Asia}, pages = {1--9}, year = {2022} }
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Human trajectory prediction via neural social physics.
The European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV).
 Project Page    Paper    Video    Code    Poster   BibTex @inproceedings{yue2022human, author = {Jiangbei Yue and Dinesh Manocha and He Wang}, title = {Human trajectory prediction via neural social physics}, booktitle = {The European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV)}, pages = {376--394}, year = {2022} }
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Formation control for UAVs using a Flux Guided approach.
Expert Systems with Applications.
 Paper   BibTex @article{hartley2022formation, author = {John Hartley and Hubert PH Shum and Edmond SL Ho and He Wang and Subramanian Ramamoorthy}, title = {Formation control for UAVs using a Flux Guided approach}, journal = {Expert Systems with Applications}, year = {2022} }
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Systematic simulation of the interactions of pleckstrin homology domains with membranes.
Science Advances.
 Paper   BibTex @article{le2022systematic, author = {Kyle IP Le Huray and He Wang and Frank Sobott and Antreas C Kalli}, title = {Systematic simulation of the interactions of pleckstrin homology domains with membranes}, journal = {Science Advances}, pages = {eabn6992}, year = {2022} }
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Attention U-Net as a surrogate model for groundwater prediction.
Advances in Water Resource.
 Paper   BibTex @article{taccari2022attention, author = {Maria Luisa Taccari and Jonathan Nuttall and Xiaohui Chen and He Wang and Bennie Minnema and Peter K Jimack}, title = {Attention U-Net as a surrogate model for groundwater prediction}, journal = {Advances in Water Resource}, pages = {104169}, year = {2022} }
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Multi-objective optimization-based high-pass spatial filtering for SSVEP-based brain--computer interfaces.
IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement (IEEE TIM).
 Paper   BibTex @article{zhang2022multi, author = {Yue Zhang and Zhenhong Li and ShengQuan Xie and He Wang and Zhibin Yu and Zhiqiang Zhang}, title = {Multi-objective optimization-based high-pass spatial filtering for SSVEP-based brain--computer interfaces}, journal = {IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement (IEEE TIM)}, pages = {1--9}, year = {2022} }
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A large-scale container dataset and a baseline method for container hole localization.
Journal of Real-Time Image Processing.
 Paper   BibTex @article{diao2022large, author = {Yunfeng Diao and Xin Tang and He Wang and Emma Christophine Florence Taylor and Shirui Xiao and Mengtian Xie and Wenming Cheng}, title = {A large-scale container dataset and a baseline method for container hole localization}, journal = {Journal of Real-Time Image Processing}, pages = {577--589}, year = {2022} }
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Real-time Controllable Motion Transition for Characters.
ACM Transactions on Graphics (TOG).
(Accepted in SIGGRAPH 2022)
 Paper    Video   BibTex @article{tang2022real, author = {Xiangjun Tang and He Wang and Bo Hu and Xu Gong and Ruifan Yi and Qilong Kou and Xiaogang Jin}, title = {Real-time Controllable Motion Transition for Characters}, journal = {ACM Transactions on Graphics (TOG)}, pages = {1-10}, year = {2022} }
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Spatio-temporal Keyframe Control of Traffic Simulation using Coarse-to-Fine Optimization.
Computer Graphics Forum (CGF).
(Accepted in Pacific Graphics 2022)
 Paper    Video   BibTex @article{han2022spatio, author = {Yi Han and He Wang and Xiaogang Jin}, title = {Spatio-temporal Keyframe Control of Traffic Simulation using Coarse-to-Fine Optimization}, journal = {Computer Graphics Forum (CGF)}, year = {2022} }
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In-game residential home planning via visual context-aware global relation learning.
The AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI).
 Paper   BibTex @inproceedings{liu2021game, author = {Lijuan Liu and Yin Yang and Yi Yuan and Tianjia Shao and He Wang and Kun Zhou}, title = {In-game residential home planning via visual context-aware global relation learning}, booktitle = {The AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI)}, pages = {336--343}, year = {2021} }
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BASAR: Black-box attack on skeletal action recognition.
The IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR).
 Project Page    Paper    Supplement    Video    Code    Errata   BibTex @inproceedings{diao2021basar, author = {Yufeng Diao and Tianjia Shao and Yongliang Yang and Kun Zhou and He Wang}, title = {BASAR: Black-box attack on skeletal action recognition}, booktitle = {The IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR)}, pages = {7597--7607}, year = {2021} }
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HeterSkinNet: A Heterogeneous Network for Skin Weights Prediction.
ACM SIGGRAPH Symposium on Interactive 3D Graphics and Games (ACM I3D).
 Paper    Video   BibTex @inproceedings{pan2021heterskinnet, author = {Xiaoyu Pan and Jiancong Huang and Jiaming Mai and He Wang and Honglin Li and Tongkui Su and Wenjun Wang and Xiaogang Jin}, title = {HeterSkinNet: A Heterogeneous Network for Skin Weights Prediction}, booktitle = {ACM SIGGRAPH Symposium on Interactive 3D Graphics and Games (ACM I3D)}, year = {2021} }
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Unsupervised Image Generation with Infinite Generative Adversarial Networks.
The Internaitional Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV).
 Paper    Video    Poster    Code   BibTex @inproceedings{ying2021unsupervised, author = {Hui Ying and He Wang and Tianjia Shao and Yin Yang and Kun Zhou}, title = {Unsupervised Image Generation with Infinite Generative Adversarial Networks}, booktitle = {The Internaitional Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV)}, pages = {14284--14293}, year = {2021} }
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Estimation and safety validation of a roundabout gap-acceptance model in a simulated environment.
The Road Safety and Simulation Conference.
 Paper    Slides   BibTex @inproceedings{paschalidis2021estimation, author = {Evangelos Paschalidis and Albert Solernou and Mohamed Hasan and Gustav Markkula and He Wang and Richard Romano}, title = {Estimation and safety validation of a roundabout gap-acceptance model in a simulated environment}, booktitle = {The Road Safety and Simulation Conference}, year = {2021} }
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Understanding the robustness of skeleton-based action recognition under adversarial attack.
The IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR).
 Project Page    Paper    Supplement    Video    Code   BibTex @inproceedings{wang2021understanding, author = {He Wang and Feixiang He and Zhexi Peng and Tianjia Shao and Yongliang Yang and Kun Zhou and David Hogg}, title = {Understanding the robustness of skeleton-based action recognition under adversarial attack}, booktitle = {The IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR)}, pages = {14656--14665}, year = {2021} }
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Development and validation of a deep learning-based automatic auscultatory blood pressure measurement method.
Biomedical Signal Processing and Control.
 Paper   BibTex @article{pan2021development, author = {Fan Pan and Peiyu He and He Wang and Yuhang Xu and Xiaobo Pu and Qijun Zhao and Fei Chen and Dingchang Zheng}, title = {Development and validation of a deep learning-based automatic auscultatory blood pressure measurement method}, journal = {Biomedical Signal Processing and Control}, pages = {102742}, year = {2021} }
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High-order differentiable autoencoder for nonlinear model reduction.
ACM Transactions on Graphics (TOG).
 Paper    Video   BibTex @article{shen2021high, author = {Siyuan Shen and Yin Yang and Tianjia Shao and He Wang and Chenfanfu Jiang and Lei Lan and Kun Zhou}, title = {High-order differentiable autoencoder for nonlinear model reduction}, journal = {ACM Transactions on Graphics (TOG)}, pages = {1-15}, year = {2021} }
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MeshingNet3D: Efficient generation of adapted tetrahedral meshes for computational mechanics.
Advances in Engineering Software.
 Project Page    Paper   BibTex @article{zhang2021meshingnet3d, author = {Zheyan Zhang and Peter K Jimack and He Wang}, title = {MeshingNet3D: Efficient generation of adapted tetrahedral meshes for computational mechanics}, journal = {Advances in Engineering Software}, pages = {103021}, year = {2021} }
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Maneuver-aware pooling for vehicle trajectory prediction.
 Paper    Code   BibTex @misc{hasan2021maneuver, author = {Mohamed Hasan and Albert Solernou and Evangelos Paschalidis and He Wang and Gustav Markkula and Richard Romano}, title = {Maneuver-aware pooling for vehicle trajectory prediction}, series = {axiv}, year = {2021} }
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Maneuver-based anchor trajectory hypotheses at roundabouts.
 Paper    Code   BibTex @misc{hasan2021maneuver_1, author = {Mohamed Hasan and Albert Solernou and Evangelos Paschalidis and He Wang and Gustav Markkula and Richard Romano}, title = {Maneuver-based anchor trajectory hypotheses at roundabouts}, series = {arxiv}, year = {2021} }
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Human-like Planning for Reaching in Cluttered Environments.
The International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA).
(covered by TechXplore)
 Paper    Video    Code    Media   BibTex @inproceedings{hasan2020human, author = {Mohamed Hasan and Matthew Warburton and Wisdom C Agboh and Mehmet R Dogar and Matteo Leonetti and He Wang and Faisal Mushtaq and Mark Mon-Williams and Anthony G Cohn}, title = {Human-like Planning for Reaching in Cluttered Environments}, booktitle = {The International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA)}, year = {2020} }
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MeshingNet: A new mesh generation method based on deep learning.
The International Conference on Computational Science (ICCS).
 Project Page    Paper   BibTex @inproceedings{zhang2020meshingnet, author = {Zheyan Zhang and Yongxing Wang and Peter K Jimack and He Wang}, title = {MeshingNet: A new mesh generation method based on deep learning}, booktitle = {The International Conference on Computational Science (ICCS)}, pages = {186--198}, year = {2020} }
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Dynamic future net: Diversified human motion generation.
ACM Multimedia (ACM MM).
 Paper   BibTex @inproceedings{chen2020dynamic, author = {Wenheng Chen and He Wang and Yi Yuan and Tianjia Shao and Kun Zhou}, title = {Dynamic future net: Diversified human motion generation}, booktitle = {ACM Multimedia (ACM MM)}, pages = {2131--2139}, year = {2020} }
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Informative Scene Decomposition for Crowd Analysis, Comparison and Simulation Guidance.
ACM Transactions on Graphics (TOG).
(Accepted in SIGGRAPH 2020)
 Project Page    Paper    Video    Presentation   BibTex @article{he2020informative, author = {Feixiang He and Yuanhang Xiang and Xi Zhao and He Wang}, title = {Informative Scene Decomposition for Crowd Analysis, Comparison and Simulation Guidance}, journal = {ACM Transactions on Graphics (TOG)}, year = {2020} }
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Three-dimensional simulation of warp knitted structures based on geometric unit cell of loop yarns.
Textile Research Journal.
 Paper   BibTex @article{ji2020three, author = {Yong Ji and Gaoming Jiang and Mengting Tang and Ningtao Mao and He Wang}, title = {Three-dimensional simulation of warp knitted structures based on geometric unit cell of loop yarns}, journal = {Textile Research Journal}, pages = {2639--2647}, year = {2020} }
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FASTSWARM: A data-driven framework for real-time flying insect swarm simulation.
Computer Graphics Forum (CGF).
(Best Student Paper Nomination in CASA 2020)(Cover Featured)
 Paper   BibTex @article{xiang2020fastswarm, author = {Wei Xiang and Xinran Yao and He Wang and Xiaogang Jin}, title = {FASTSWARM: A data-driven framework for real-time flying insect swarm simulation}, journal = {Computer Graphics Forum (CGF)}, pages = {e1957}, year = {2020} }
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Data analytics in steady-state visual evoked potential-based brain--computer interface: A review.
IEEE Sensors Journal.
 Paper   BibTex @article{zhang2020data, author = {Yue Zhang and Shane Q Xie and He Wang and Zhiqiang Zhang}, title = {Data analytics in steady-state visual evoked potential-based brain--computer interface: A review}, journal = {IEEE Sensors Journal}, pages = {1124--1138}, year = {2020} }
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Classify and Generate Reciprocally: Simultaneous Positive-Unlabelled Learning and Conditional Generation with Extra Data.
 Paper   BibTex @misc{yu2020classify, author = {Bing Yu and Ke Sun and He Wang and Zhuochen Lin and Zhanxing Zhu}, title = {Classify and Generate Reciprocally: Simultaneous Positive-Unlabelled Learning and Conditional Generation with Extra Data}, series = {arxiv}, year = {2020} }
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A Novel Deep Learning based Automatic Auscultatory Method to Measure Blood Pressure.
International Journal of Medical Informatics.
 Paper   BibTex @article{pan2019novel, author = {Fan Pan and Peiyu He and Fei Chen and Jing Zhang and He Wang and Dingchang Zheng}, title = {A Novel Deep Learning based Automatic Auscultatory Method to Measure Blood Pressure}, journal = {International Journal of Medical Informatics}, year = {2019} }
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Spatio-temporal manifold learning for human motions via long-horizon modeling.
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics (TVCG).
 Project Page    Paper    Video    Video   BibTex @article{wang2019spatio, author = {He Wang and Edmond SL Ho and Hubert PH Shum and Zhanxing Zhu}, title = {Spatio-temporal manifold learning for human motions via long-horizon modeling}, journal = {IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics (TVCG)}, year = {2019} }
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A generic framework for editing and synthesizing multimodal data with relative emotion strength.
Computer Animation and Virtual Worlds.
 Paper   BibTex @misc{chan2019generic, author = {Jacky CP Chan and Hubert PH Shum and He Wang and Li Yi and Wei Wei and Edmond SL Ho}, title = {A generic framework for editing and synthesizing multimodal data with relative emotion strength}, series = {Computer Animation and Virtual Worlds}, pages = {e1871}, year = {2019} }
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Data-driven crowd motion control with multi-touch gestures.
Computer Graphics Forum (CGF).
 Paper    Video   BibTex @article{shen2018data, author = {Yijun Shen and Joseph Henry and He Wang and Edmond SL Ho and Taku Komura and Hubert PH Shum}, title = {Data-driven crowd motion control with multi-touch gestures}, journal = {Computer Graphics Forum (CGF)}, year = {2018} }
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Trending Paths: A New Semantic-level Metric for Comparing Simulated and Real Crowd Data.
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics (TVCG).
 Project Page    Paper    Supplement   BibTex @article{wang2017trending, author = {He Wang and Ondřej, Jan and Carol O'Sullivan}, title = {Trending Paths: A New Semantic-level Metric for Comparing Simulated and Real Crowd Data}, journal = {IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics (TVCG)}, year = {2017} }
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Posture-based and action-based graphs for boxing skill visualization.
Computer & Graphics.
 Paper   BibTex @article{shen2017posture, author = {Yijun Shen and He Wang and Edmond SL HO and Longzhi Yang and Hubert PH Shum}, title = {Posture-based and action-based graphs for boxing skill visualization}, journal = {Computer & Graphics}, year = {2017} }
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Shape Up! Perception based body shape variation for data-driven crowds.
IEEE VR Workshop on Virtual Humans and Crowds in Immersive Environments.
 Paper    Supplement   BibTex @inproceedings{shi2017shape, author = {Yinxuan Shi and Ondřej, Jan and He Wang and Carol O'Sullivan}, title = {Shape Up! Perception based body shape variation for data-driven crowds}, booktitle = {IEEE VR Workshop on Virtual Humans and Crowds in Immersive Environments}, year = {2017} }
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Synthesizing motion with relative emotion strength.
ACM SIGGRAPH Asia Workshop on Data-Driven Animation Techniques.
 Paper   BibTex @inproceedings{ho2017synthesizing, author = {Edmond SL Ho and Hubert PH Shum and He Wang and Li Yi}, title = {Synthesizing motion with relative emotion strength}, booktitle = {ACM SIGGRAPH Asia Workshop on Data-Driven Animation Techniques}, year = {2017} }
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Globally Continuous and Non-Markovian Crowd Activity Analysis from Videos.
The European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV).
(Spotlight, 2.9% of submissions)
 Project Page    Paper    Video    Code    Supplement   BibTex @inproceedings{wang2016globally, author = {He Wang and Carol O'Sullivan}, title = {Globally Continuous and Non-Markovian Crowd Activity Analysis from Videos}, booktitle = {The European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV)}, year = {2016} }
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Skillvis: A visualization tool for boxing skill assessment.
International Conference on Motion, Interaction and Games (MIG).
(Selected for C&G referral)
 Paper   BibTex @inproceedings{shum2016skillvis, author = {Hubert PH Shum and He Wang and Edmond SL HO and Taku Komura}, title = {Skillvis: A visualization tool for boxing skill assessment}, booktitle = {International Conference on Motion, Interaction and Games (MIG)}, pages = {145--153}, year = {2016} }
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Path patterns: Analyzing and comparing real and simulated crowds.
ACM SIGGRAPH Symposium on Interactive 3D Graphics and Games (ACM I3D).
(Selected for IEEE TVCG referral, 10% of accepted papers)
 Project Page    Paper    Video   BibTex @inproceedings{wang2016path, author = {He Wang and Jan Ondřej and Carol O'Sullivan}, title = {Path patterns: Analyzing and comparing real and simulated crowds}, booktitle = {ACM SIGGRAPH Symposium on Interactive 3D Graphics and Games (ACM I3D)}, pages = {49--57}, year = {2016} }
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A multi-resolution approach for adapting close character interaction.
ACM Symposium on Virtual Reality Software and Technology (VRST).
 Paper   BibTex @inproceedings{ho2014multi, author = {Edmond SL Ho and He Wang and Taku Komura}, title = {A multi-resolution approach for adapting close character interaction}, booktitle = {ACM Symposium on Virtual Reality Software and Technology (VRST)}, year = {2014} }
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Indexing 3D scenes using the interaction bisector surface.
ACM Transactions on Graphics (TOG).
(Presented in SIGGRAPH 2014)
 Paper    Supplement   BibTex @article{zhao2014indexing, author = {Xi Zhao and He Wang and Taku Komura}, title = {Indexing 3D scenes using the interaction bisector surface}, journal = {ACM Transactions on Graphics (TOG)}, year = {2014} }
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An energy-driven motion planning method for two distant postures.
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics (TVCG).
 Project Page    Paper   BibTex @article{wang2014energy, author = {He Wang and Edmond SL Ho and Taku Komura}, title = {An energy-driven motion planning method for two distant postures}, journal = {IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics (TVCG)}, year = {2014} }
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Harmonic parameterization by electrostatics.
ACM Transactions on Graphics (TOG).
(Presented in SIGGRAPH 2014)
 Project Page    Paper    Video   BibTex @article{wang2013harmonic, author = {He Wang and Kirill A Sidorov and Peter Sandilands and Taku Komura}, title = {Harmonic parameterization by electrostatics}, journal = {ACM Transactions on Graphics (TOG)}, year = {2013} }
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Manipulation of Flexible Objects by Geodesic Control.
Computer Graphics Forum (CGF).
(Accepted in Eurographics 2012)
 Project Page    Paper    Video   BibTex @article{wang2012manipulation, author = {He Wang and Taku Komura}, title = {Manipulation of Flexible Objects by Geodesic Control}, journal = {Computer Graphics Forum (CGF)}, year = {2012} }
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Energy-Based Pose Unfolding and Interpolation for 3D Articulated Characters.
International Conference on Motion, Interaction and Games (MIG).
 Project Page    Paper   BibTex @inproceedings{wang2011energy, author = {He Wang and Taku Komura}, title = {Energy-Based Pose Unfolding and Interpolation for 3D Articulated Characters}, booktitle = {International Conference on Motion, Interaction and Games (MIG)}, year = {2011} }
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