Join My Lab
[What background am I looking for?] In general, I am looking to working with people on research topics of mutual interests. If you would like to do a PhD or joint PhD with me, I look at multiple criteria but mainly: reputation of the undergraduate (graduate) school, GPA, the quantitative GRE/IELTs score, mathematics skills (grades in mathematics courses), and programming skills (including the design of systems and algorithms, design of experiments, debugging, ...). Mathematics and programming are crucial in the type of research in my group. If you would like to do a post-doc, it depends on the required experiences and skills of the project. An exception is if you would like to apply for a post-doctoral fellowship under my hosting, then again we will need to discuss a proper research topic.
[PhD students] I am constantly looking for passionate PhD students. Potential areas include Computer Graphics, Computer Vision and Machine Learning. If you are wondering if you should get a PhD or why in computer science, I recommend this article. If you decide to apply, normally you will need to apply for a Computer Science (4 Year Programme) MPhil/PhD. The PhD position is separate from PhD funding. The funding information can be found here. Different scholarships have different deadlines. UCL has a vast number of PhD scholarships including funding supporting all students, or country-based scholarships (e.g. CSC-UCL), or minority groups. You are also welcome to apply if you have your own funding source e.g. from your government or self-funded.
If you are interested in joining us as a PhD student, click here
If you are interested in joining us as a PhD student, click here
[Visiting/Joint PhD students] You are welcome to visit my lab. Normally you are expected to have your own funding source to support your visit. Some governments have dedicated programmes such as CSC-UCL. If you decide to apply, click here
[Visiting Researchers/Scholars] I am always excited to work with peers/colleagues. Please email me with details of the intented visit. Normally you are expected to have your own funding. Some governments have dedicated programmes such as CSC-UCL.
[Post-docs] I post job ads on my website whenever we are recruiting. I am happy to support post-doc funding applications with a legit research project. There are many funding sources. Please email me with a CV and a publication list.
[Internship/Remote Internships] Alas, there is usually limited funding for this. But if you have your own funding and want to gain research experiences, it is possible to do a (remote) internship with us, and please click here